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Fertility Ultrasound


Exam Explanation

A fertility ultrasound is a non-invasive imaging modality that uses high-frequency sound waves to create detailed images of the reproductive organs. This exam aids in assessing the health and structure of the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes, providing essential information for fertility assessments and treatments.

At Element Medical Imaging, we understand the importance of precise and compassionate care in your fertility journey. Our specialized fertility ultrasound services are designed to provide you and your healthcare provider with detailed insights into your reproductive health.

Common uses of fertility ultrasounds include:

  • Follicle Count: Monitoring follicle development and ovulation timing.
  • Diagnosing Uterine Abnormalities: Detecting fibroids, polyps or congenital anomalies
  • Accessing Ovarian Health: Identifying ovarian cysts and other conditions affecting fertility.

Element Medical Imaging also offers Hysterosalpingogram services.

Exam Preparation

Follicle Count: No preparation required. Bladder must be empty for this exam.

Hysterosonogram: This exam must be performed between days 7-12 of your cycle if you are premenopausal. This exam CANNOT be performed if you are pregnant. It can be performed anytime for post-menopausal patients.

Trans Abdominal (Pelvic): Complete 32oz of water 1 hour prior to your exam time and HOLD. Please do not use the restroom after you start drinking water. Your bladder must be full for this exam.

Trans Abdominal (Pelvic) and Trans Vaginal Ultrasound: Complete 32oz of water 1 hour prior to your exam time and HOLD. Please do not use the restroom after you start drinking water. Your bladder must be full for the Trans Abdominal portion of this exam. You will use the restroom before the Trans Vaginal portion.

During the Exam

Your technologist will discuss your history with you, and you will be positioned face-up on a padded exam table. Depending upon the exam, you may be asked to change into a gown. Your exam will take 30-60 minutes to complete. The radiologist will review your images and send the results to your referring provider.